Sunday, September 9, 2007

My new favorite find

to my media blog. I thought this would be a great way to bring this to you because it is so much a part of how I find media lately. My family and friends recently decided to go blog crazy, and because it is now such a part of our culture to be that impersonal about how we update each other on our lives, I thought it would be an appropriate medium with which to bring you my latest media finds/encounters.

My latest find: I hope you enjoy it.

I love this so much. This video is a music video of a group from New Zealand that apparently now has their own show on HBO. The humor of the show is similar to what America is thriving on lately I think-- very similar to "The Office." It is so funny to watch someone mocking such a familiar situation and catch the true awkwardness. The lyrics are what make it so great.

They also tend to have music videos within their show that are very obviously making fun of other types of music videos.
This one, for example, is a hilarious rendition of a bad rap music video. The lyrics are again hilarious, but how they filmed it is key:

Note: I hope you are not offended by either of these videos... they are both a little edgy, as far as BYU is concerned, but it is what I am watching and enjoying.

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