Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"I, personally believe... that some people out there... don't have maps...."

I will be the first to admit that I am not as informed about the 2008 elections as I would hope that I am. I barely know who is running and I sure don't know much about politics in general. I wish i cared more about that. In fact, I always try to be informed and it feels like I will simply never know everything there is to know because there is so much information to follow! So many people, so many heated discussions... I don't have opinions on most of them. But when it comes to elections, I do at least try to know what is going on. I feel like it would be unfair of me not to vote or know anything about the leaders of the country, and then complain if something isn't working the way I would hope it would.

I came across this site that has all of the campaign advertisements for all of the various candidates and I just kept being amazed at how they are so manipulative of the audience! At times they would bash their opponents, or use dramatized testimonials of how great they are, one even uses Chuck Norris for humor. Is this starting to feel like a fifth grade Student Council war to anyone else?

Some of the candidates use interview more and talk straight to their audience and campaign for themselves. Others have images and footage of them in action. It is interesting to break down the way these were made because I think it says more about them than the finished product and message does.

Here is the link to the advertisements:

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