Wednesday, July 16, 2008

the greatest thing to happen to me

i sometimes have a bit of a problem at work.
it is known as inevitable boredom/ lack of motivation.
i wont lie, having one month left at an already
uneventful get-by campus job is finally catching up to me.

between answering entertaining phone calls from
incompetent mothers of incompetent children generally
of the area of georgia with thick fast southern drawls
and strings of awkward endearments,
i sit and attempt to be productive at life.

things i should be doing:

-reading one of the books on my "currently reading list"
so i can actually move on to the 25ish on my "want-to-read-right-now-but-can't-yet-because-i-have-3-i-am-currently-reading" list...

-working on my 2 Independent Study classes so i can
be an official graduate instead of a fake one.

what am i doing?

watching all of the seasons of LOST that i have missed...
even though i know the show is a never-ending string of
loose ends and character development rather than a plot driven drama,

i can't help myself...
but i take breaks to watch all of Arrested Development (Season 3- cause I don't know it as well) and other awesome shows that i have missed because i have been a lame college student for the past few years...

...perfect anecdote to a work-induced boredom disease...

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