Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fire by Blog

I have been thinking about how I am getting my news lately and how it is so far and few and in between. I don't have the time to listen or watch the news like I used to, and reading the paper is out of the question. This saddens me, as I do so enjoy knowing what is going on in the world. After I found out about the fires last week in San Diego, my heart sank a few stories. I have quite a bit of family that I love all live in that very area of California. After hearing the news from my mother, I quickly got online to read my uncle's blog. This personal view of what has been going on is far more powerful for me because of the connection I have there. I am initially interested in the news because of my family. I wish I had more time to spend to stay updated, but for now, the important information for me is how they are. There are at least three families that are out of their homes and one that may have lost theirs. I am not sure about the other families yet, but it is definitely scary. Coming from Eldon though, it is just interesting to see how he writes about it. Blogs are more personal by nature and yet informative. Though the fires are across most of southern California right now, I only have to see the part that I want to. In a way that sounds like I might be naive or heartless to be ONLY getting my information from the one source, but I think it goes to show how many people view the broader news. We watch what affects us.

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