Saturday, November 24, 2007

A part of YOUR world?

When Belle came to life, I smiled. When Peter Pan can fly over a huge outdoor stage and light up kids faces, I get excited. But Little Mermaid?

Nice try. This is going to be interesting: Arial on Broadway. She's on those shoes with wheels so that it looks like she is gliding through water or something. She always moves her hands all "watery" too so it looks like she's in water. The problem is just that: she's not. Who are they kidding? The story is a good one but hinges on that condition. The costume makes her look like a dinosaur too. At least they could have seen how ridiculous that looked and just let her fin go to the ground instead of fly behind her. I wish I could have been in on the planning meeting for this one is all.

"Yeah, we are thinking about Little Mermaid..."
"Good, and we can make it look like she's in water by putting her on wheels..."
"Oh oh, and we can make her look like that one monster on Monster's Inc who sludges all over the floor.... and she would be so beautiful!"
"Yes- but what about the fact that swimmers can go up and down..... or that her hair would also be floating...?"
"They'll forgive her for that..."

Wrong. The translation to stage on this one is going to be interesting. I am interested in seeing how well it shows to an audience. The only way they can get away with this is because we already know the story. Otherwise, I don't know why it is so inconsistent. It is going to be so hard to stay focused and really become a part of her world. That is something that would be easy to see and to see how that will affect an audience's understanding of the story.

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