Sunday, February 10, 2008

Speaking of Inspiring Basketball... Old School Movie Review #5

I watched this documentary on Thursday afternoon also and I have to say that I was so impressed. I loved the story and I was so glad that it was caught on film. I don't think the story could be better told in any other way. In fact, I have thought about it all weekend long and I was thinking of how well the story unfolded and how there was real footage for the games, and rehearsals... this would just not have been an effective Disney movie—though the plot is the same as one. I couldn't tell if those making the documentary decided beforehand to make it and it just ended so well... or if it was more of a way to go back and see it all play out after the events had already taken place.

In the classroom this would be so fun to watch and to discuss because we can talk about why the medium of documentary is so effective and how else this same story could be told.


maccam said...

Megan thanks for the post. When I heard of this story over a year ago i wept like a child. I knew cammy needed to see it. After being called to the elders quorum presidency i learned that the EQ President had three of his four children diagnosed with autism and the youngest has asbergers syndrome. When i watched this story it was a bit overwhelming. I think it is the greatest sports story in the past 100 years bar none. I will reserve seats opening night for who ever wishes to come. espn did the best story on it.

Watch for when the coach puts J-Mac in. Simply Awe-inspiring.


Erika Hill said...

I love the personal connections you make with everything you write about (have I said this before? Yikes, I don't want to repeat myself!). It would be great to delve even deeper into how you might use something like this in the classroom (not just your HOC classroom, but maybe your classrooms in the future).

Your blog is always a fun read.