My brother has Tivo and has decided to capture all of the season premieres of all of the new fall shows so that the rest of us only have to watch what he deems as "good." Now I know this leaves my viewing pleasure at his discretion, and that means I trust him a lot- which I do- but we have similar taste in shows and I think he is the perfect guinea pig for this sort of thing.
The show that he has recommended so far is called "Chuck." This show is a fun combination of what we decided has a similar feel to an Alias meets Scrubs or a 24 meets The Office. It is "intense" material that moves fast and has a lot of humor built in- some to make fun of the intensity itself. It is set up like a comedy, with funny characters that aren't all that amazing of people, and the plot is not difficult to understand, but it is definitely engaging. The characters are simple and not forced at all; I don't get the same annoyed feeling from some of the characters on 24 or some of those shows where they feel so over-directed or something. These are simple people and easy to relate to instantly.
What i think would be interesting to look at with a class is the fact that first, this is the introduction to this show- you could call it the exposition even. What do we learn about these characters from this opening show? What do we learn, and what do we think we know that wasn't directly said? How does the writers' choices about the characters' occupations help to strengthen this story and make it more interesting?
This is the link to watch the full episode online on NBC's site. Enjoy- it is quite fun.
the part we'll remember...
12 years ago