Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I think I have talked about this before, but I think it is interesting how the humor in the nighttime comedy shows has shifted over the years. Also, the amount of show watching has increased since I was younger. Now with shows like "The Office" and "Arrested Development" and "Everybody Loves Raymond" or even "Seinfeld" it seems like we enjoy watching awkward situations to make us laugh. I think "The Office" is becoming such a standard in TV comedy: the very familiar situation that finds the humor and runs with it-- runs far.

I think this clip from Saturday Night Live, a show I watched religiously as my brothers were all teenagers, is so funny to me because I know people like this. I know of the people that have to "one-up" everyone else at the party. I had a friend who swore she drank 4% milk and rode a 59-speed Huffy. The recognition level of humor is a very popular one and apparently what America likes to watch.

If I were using this in a class I would ask what is funny about this? Why does the audience clap the moment they see her? Who could this be making fun of and what message is it trying to communicate to us?

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