Sunday, January 20, 2008

Oh Mitt.


I hate to stay on the political side of things, but my new interest in all media related to politics forces me to ask myself many questions when I see things like this.

One the one hand, my LDS background aches inside at the thought that Romney might have just brushed off a opportunity to really stand firm in his beliefs and give his followers a glimpse into what his religion is really like. On the other, I have to remember that this mini clip is from a longer interview. Perhaps he was asked other questions that led him to this answer. And I guess I can also see what he may have thought she was asking and mis-interpreted as well. In which case, I guess Romney may not have wanted to appear that he actually speaks to God physically face-to-face as Moses, and Joseph Smith. I myself can only be baffled and not let it change my opinion of him because of the one answer. But it does make me question the power of media. Perhaps he knew that this would be broadcast over everything everywhere because it is a hot topic and because he is already such a flip-flopper... but I wish he would have stuck to it. Answer it like you have a few million Mormons analyzing everything you say... and not because you want the vote, but because you represent them.

Anyway- just a thought.

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