Saturday, January 12, 2008

Refreshing, witty, beautiful, real. - New Movie Review #2

Where has this screenwriter been all of my life? Diablo Cody, whose only credit is her blog-like book called "Candy Girl: A Year in the Life of an Unlikely Stripper," is nothing short of a brilliant writer. Every line in the movie seemed so effortlessly fun. After reading the first little bit of her book, I can see that the Juno that was in the movie was really a great depiction of perhaps how Diablo sees herself. Spunky, cute, fun, unknowingly hilarious and endearing.

The style of the film was not unlike Nepoleon Dynomite in the filming style, but the pace was given an adrenalin rush. Some of the real moments were so incredibly understated and real that they really catch you off-gaurd in the very intelligent & fast-paced humor of the rest of the film. I think the realness is what gives it the charm.

Some of the actual shots in the film are long and poignant. I am going to need to see it a few times just to catch the wonderful composition and cinematography, but some frames could almost be torn apart and analyzed for the thematic stories that they tell. What a piece of art to give to a starving audience that loves to think.

Yes, there are some irreverent things involved, but I loved them too. Why edit the reality of this young girl's life that is so compelling as it stands alone? I was glad to get a glimpse into it because it once again reaffirmed how grateful I am for the relationships in my life and how important my people are to me. Refreshing, witty, beautiful, real.

1 comment:

Loretta and Richie said...

Meg, just found your media blog. Fun.